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detail 60x70cm

120x80cm pastels, charcoal & acrylics €1950.-

40x30cm Acrylic layers €750.-

white wood framed art on paper 70x50cm acryl & spray paint €1450.-

150x100cm €2450.-

100x150cm Acrylics, pastels & charcoal on linen €2450.-

in progress soft pastels, acrylics & charcoal 80x60cm

150x110 linen/framed €2750.-

acrylics, pastels & charcoal on linen 50x40cm €1075.-

80x60cm Acrylics, pastels & charcoal on linen

80x60cm €1575.- soft pastels, acrylics & spraypaint on linen

mix of framed collage paintings

in progress 100x150cm

in progress

150x100 flower field Mixed materials €2450.-

80x60cm acrylic on linen €1550.-

art glass framed acrylic paint gold spray paint collage €475.-

stillife framed 120x80cm €1950.-

in progress 100x80cm

mix of art works Acrylics on linen, paper & wood framed drawing €275.-

framed collage 35x25cm €325.-

180x120cm acryl, spray paint, pigment on linen €2750.-

duo collage 325.-p.p

charcoal & acryl on linen 30x24cm €750.-

summer waterfront 150x100cm €2450.-

acryl & spray paint on linnen/framed 30x24cm €750.-

together 2x 40x30cm acryl&spray paint €1400.-

Acryl, pastels & spray paint 150x100cm €2450.-

acryl layers spray paint 40x30cm €750.-

layers acryl spray paint 40x30cm €750.-

deep framed drawing charcoal & acryl on paper 92x62cm artglass €1000.-

collage art glass framed €475.-

40x30cm acryl, charcoal & pigment €775.-

on paper art glass framed €475.-

pigment on linnen 50x40cm €1075.-

portrait in blue/green acryl, charcoal, pigment, pastels & spray paint on linen 180x120cm €2750.-

art glass framed collage €475.-

painting in plexi acryl, pastels on book cover 30x24cm €625.-

120x100cm acryl, spray paint, charcoal & pigment €1900.-

duo on wood acryl & charcoal 30x24cm €750.- p.p

framed 100x120cm €1950.-

framed collage acryl on paper €325.-

little portrait 60x50cm pigment, acryl & charcoal on linen €1100.-

fine art print on dibond €200.-

duo 2x 18x13cm acryl on linen

detail painting 80x60cm sold

framed collage art glass €375.-

portrait acryl on linen 80x60cm framed €1650.-

deep framed collage & painting art glass €475.-

Blue collage, acryl on book cover €475.-

art glass framed collage €475.-

40x60cm acryl on linen €1250.-

collage art glass framed €475.-

acryl & paper on wood 30x24cm €750.-

flowers acryl on linen 30x40cm €750.-

50x40cm collage, acryl on paper €475.-

art glass framed collage 40x30cm acryl on paper €475.-

framed collage acryl on paper 40x30cm €425.-

on wood €750.-

collage acryl on paper 40x30cm €425.-

drawing charcoal & acryl on paper A2

Framed collage 43.5x31cm €425.-

collage A3 Acrylic on paper €425.-

3x framed collage Acryl, goldleaf, aquarel museumglass 51x38cm €475.- p.p

Acryl & charcoal on wood 24x30cm €750.-

50x60cm €1150.-

acryl on wood 24x30cm €750.-

40x30cm €750.- p.p

landscape 30x20cm

Portrait 60x80cm €1550.-

Landscape 30x40 €750.-

acryl on linen 30x40cm €750.- framed collage ink on paper 20x30cm sold

print on hahnemuhle € 150.- pp

mix of small artworks

fine art print on dibond 20x30cm €200.-


30x40 Acryl & charcoal €750.-

duo on paper


collage 4x art on paper

jouw wang 18x24cm €500.-

100x100cm €1800.-

Collage ink & aquarelle Deep white wooden frame 30x40cm €425.-

Collage ink & aquarelle Deep white wooden frame 30x40cm €425.-



30x40 framed €850.-


100x100cm framed €1800.-

Girl 100x100cm €1800.-

Sunset 24x30 €550.-

landscape plexi framed €675.-

Acrylic paint Drawings sold


Left A3 framed €225 Right sold

100x120cm €1900.-

little one 400.-


bookcover framed €450.-

100x100cm €1800.- framed wood

clover 13x18 €400.-


18x24cm €500.-

13x18cm €400.-

15x18cm €400.-

framed drawing aquarel on paper €250.-


All white 13x18cm €375.-

18x24cm €400.-

"Petite" 15x15cm €300.-

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